Java programming language




Lists are collections whose elements are indexed. In other words, elements in these collections can be accessed by an index 0, 1, 2, …., N, so that they can be sorted, and iterated. In Java, every type of list implements a global interface called List, here you can see the API of this interface.

1. List management in Java

If you take a look at List API, there are some methods that we can use in any list type, such as:

The most popular list subtype that we can use in Java is ArrayList class (API). As it implements List interface, we can use all of the methods from that interface. Internally, an ArrayList element is just a list that treats the data as an internal array (although we don’t need to care about the size of this array).

We can create an ArrayList by either defining an ArrayList variable or a List variable (using polymorphism):

List myList = new ArrayList();
ArrayList myOtherList = new ArrayList();

Then, we can add, get, remove… elements from that list. These elements can be of any type, so we must take care when getting elements from the list, and make sure that they are of the appropriate type.

myList.add(new Person("Nacho", 40));
if (myList.get(1) instanceof Person)
    Person p = (Person)(myList.get(1));

1.1. Using generics

If we use lists as we have seen in previous example, we may have some troubles, since we can add any kind of object in the list, so we need to cast and check the object types before working with them. For instance, in previous example we have typecasted the elements extracted from the list in order to use them. Otherwise, Java treats them as Object instances:

// Only Object methods can be called
Object o = myList.get(1);

// Every Person method can be called
Person p = (Person)(myList.get(1));

In order to avoid these checkings, we can use generics. Generics are a way to customize a given object or collection to work with a concrete data type. This data type is expressed between < and > symbols, after the collection type.

For instance, if we want to work with a list of strings using generics, we initialize the list this way (either using a List or an ArrayList):

List<String> stringList = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<String> anotherStringList = new ArrayList<>();

From this point on, every element that we add to the collection needs to be a string, and whenever we get an element from the collection, we can be sure that it will be a string, so no typecast is needed.

System.out.println(stringList.get(1).toUpperCase()); // GOODBYE

Note that we can use polymorphism with generics, so that, if we create a list of Animal objects, for instance, there can be any type of animal in that list (dogs, ducks, and so on).

List<Animal> animals = new ArrayList<>();
animals.add(new Dog(...));
animals.add(new Duck(...));

1.2. List subtypes

There are other list subtypes available in the Java API, although we are not going to work with them in this unit. Here you can have a quick overview:

There are some important differences regarding performance between ArrayList (or Vector) and LinkedList:

1.3. Lists of basic data types

If we want to create a list of some basic data type (such as integers or doubles) we can’t specify this simple type in the generic:

List<int> numbers = new ArrayList<>();

Alternatively, we can make use of wrappers, special classes that are part of the Java API and can replace basic types in some situations. These classes are:

NOTE: String is not a basic type, because it’s made of a sequence of chars, so there’s no wrapper for this class. We just use String class.

Then, we can create a list (or any collection) of any of these types, and then add elements on it as basic types:

List<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<>();

int aNumber = numbers.get(0);

1.4. Sorting lists

In the same way that we use Comparator or Comparable interfaces to determine how to sort complex objects in an array through Arrays.sort method, there is a Collections.sort method (in class java.util.Collections) that lets us sort a list using a comparator.

All that we need is to define the comparing method (either in the own class to be sorted, or in another class through a Comparator), and then call this method to sort the collection. For instance, if we have a list or Person objects, we can sort it by age using this comparator:

List<Person> people = new ArrayList<>();
... // Fill list
Collections.sort(people, new Comparator<Person>()
    public int compare(Person p1, Person p2)
        return, p2.getAge());

If the own class (Person in this example) has the comparing method in its code, then we can call Collections.sort with just one parameter (the collection to be sorted):


Exercise 1:

Go back to Exercise 1 of this document. Replace the video game array in main method with a generic ArrayList. Then, add some video games to the list (either VideoGame or PCVideoGame objects), explore and show the list with a for and ask the user to:

Exercise 2:

Sort the video game list in previous exercise by price in ascending order using Collections.sort and the appropriate comparing method. Do this step before printing the list in the screen.

2. Stacks and queues

There are some specific types of lists which are more restrictive regarding how to use add/remove operations. In this section we are going to talk about stacks and queues.

2.1. Stacks

A stack is a collection (or list subtype) in which elements can only be added or removed by one of the edges called top. We call these structures LIFO structures, which stands for Last In, First Out. Only the element at the top of the stack can be modified (added or removed).

In order to use stacks in Java we have Stack class. As you can see in the official API, it’s a subtype of Vector class, so it’s a list. It just adds some specific methods to deal with the top:

Here you can see an example of how to use it:

Stack<Integer> numberStack = new Stack<>();
while (!stack.empty())
    int number = stack.pop();

Exercise 3:

Create a project called ReversedFigure that asks the user to draw a bi-dimensional figure (line by line), and then prints the same figure inverted vertically. For instance, if user draws this:


then the program must output this:


NOTE: as you may notice, stacks are really useful when it comes to inverting orders.

2.2. Queues

Queues are another special type of list in which elements are added by one of the edges and removed from the opposite edge. These structures are also called FIFO structures, which stands for First In, First Out. The main basic operations in queues are:

Java provides Queue interface in order to deal with queues. You can see in the API that there are some additional, useful methods:

There are some classes in Java API implementing this interface. One of them is LinkedList class, which we have mentioned before. Here you have an example of how to use it as a queue:

LinkedList<Integer> numbers = new LinkedList<>();


while(numbers.size() > 0)
    System.out.println("We are going to extract " + numbers.peek());

Exercise 4:

Create a project called ConcertAttendance. Define a class called Person to represent every person that wants to attend the concert, and store his/her name and age. Then, in the main program, add some Person objects to a queue (add them until user enters empty values). Then, filter from this queue only the adult people, and print the final result in the screen, in arrival order.